Carolyn M. Fay: Teaching Portfolio: Appendices
Description of Courses, Workshops and Leadership Roles
List of Courses taught from 1992 to 2005

Sample Syllabi
France and the French-Speaking World
The French Novel on Film
Sleep and Dream
Topics in 19th-century Literature: Rêver le monstre
Topics in Cultural Studies: Le Sommeil et les rêves
Introduction to French Studies. Révolution et réaction: La France entre 1789 et 1958
He Said, She Said: Gender and Writing in Modern French Literature
Elementary French I
Elementary French II
Intensive Intermediate French syllabus
Intensive Intermediate French course description
Intensive Intermediate French introduction to electronic classroom

Sample Course Chair Materials
Elementary French first day ideas
Elementary French guidelines for grading writing assignments
Intermediate French ideas for writing and video activities

Sample Writing Assignment and Draft Procedure
Intensive Intermediate French "analyse littéraire"
Intermediate French student editing guide

Sample Reading Assignment and Classroom Exercises
Elementary French in-class reading "Gâteau au chocolat, with decoding activity
Intensive Intermediate French activity sheet for Colette's "L'Autre Femme"

Sample Web Activity
Elementary level, "Allons visiter le Louvre" web activity

Report of Classroom Observation
By Professor Cheryl Krueger, University of Virginia [Image File: ca. 100k]

Summary of Student Evaluations
Exerpts from student evaluations
Sample completed evaluation form:
Page 1 [Image File: ca. 100k];
Page 2 [Image File: ca. 80k];
Page 3 [Image File: ca. 70k]

Unsolicited Letters from Students
Letter from Sean Hazuda, French 101, Summer 1993 [Image File: ca. 100k]
Letter from Devon Maness, French 201, Spring 1997 [Image File: ca. 110k]
Letter from David Moran, French 101-102, 2002-03

Award Nomination Letter from Professor Cheryl Krueger
For Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant in French, 1993-94 [Image File: ca. 130k]

Teaching Awards and Certificates
Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant in French, UVa, 1993-94 [Image File: ca. 50k]
Semi-Finalist, Seven Society Graduate Fellowship for Superb Teaching, UVa, 1998 [Image File: ca. 50k]
Teaching in Tongues Certificate, UVa, 1996 [Image File: ca. 60k]

Letters about Teaching Workshops
Letter from the Center for the Liberal Arts, April 1999 [Image File: ca. 70k]
Letter from the Center for the Liberal Arts, April 1997 [Image File: ca. 40k]
Letter from Cheryl Krueger, ACTFL conference presentation, December 1996 [Image File: ca. 40k]

Workshop Materials
Handout "French Speaking Cultures Today -- in Multimedia." Center for the Liberal Arts, April 1997
Handout, "Using the World Wide Web in the Foreign Language Classroom." Teaching Resource Center, UVa, January 1997
Sample Web Activity, "Using the World Wide Web in the Foreign Language Classroom." Teaching Resource Center, UVa, January 1997
Handout & Outline, "What to Do When They Don't Understand: Teaching Reading Skills." ACTFL, November 1996
Workshop Summary, "Discussing Readings at the 200 level." Teaching Resource Center, UVa, March 1995
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Page 2 [Image File: ca. 140k]

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