- Description of Courses, Workshops and
Leadership Roles
- List of Courses
taught from 1992 to
- Sample
- France and the French-Speaking World
- The French Novel on Film
- Sleep and Dream
- Topics
in 19th-century Literature: Rêver le monstre
- Topics
in Cultural Studies: Le Sommeil et les rêves
- Introduction
to French Studies. Révolution et réaction: La
entre 1789 et 1958
- He
She Said: Gender and Writing in Modern French Literature
Elementary French I
- Elementary
French II
- Intensive
Intermediate French syllabus
- Intensive
Intermediate French course description
- Intensive
Intermediate French introduction to electronic classroom
- Sample Course Chair Materials
- Elementary French first
day ideas
- Elementary French
guidelines for grading writing assignments
- Intermediate French
ideas for writing and video activities
- Sample Writing Assignment and Draft Procedure
- Intensive Intermediate
French "analyse littéraire"
- Intermediate French student editing guide
- Sample
Reading Assignment and Classroom Exercises
- Elementary French
in-class reading "Gâteau au chocolat, with decoding activity
- Intensive
Intermediate French activity sheet for Colette's "L'Autre Femme"
- Sample Web Activity
- Elementary level, "Allons visiter le Louvre" web activity
- Report of Classroom Observation
- By Professor
Cheryl Krueger,
University of Virginia [Image File: ca. 100k]
- Summary of Student Evaluations
- Exerpts from
student evaluations
- Sample completed evaluation form:
Page 1 [Image
File: ca. 100k];
Page 2 [Image
File: ca. 80k];
Page 3 [Image
File: ca. 70k]
- Unsolicited Letters from
- Letter from Sean
Hazuda, French 101,
Summer 1993 [Image File: ca. 100k]
- Letter from Devon
Maness, French 201,
Spring 1997 [Image File: ca. 110k]
- Letter from David
French 101-102, 2002-03
- Award Nomination Letter from Professor
Cheryl Krueger
- For Outstanding
Graduate Teaching
Assistant in French, 1993-94 [Image File: ca. 130k]
- Teaching Awards and
- Outstanding Graduate
Teaching Assistant
in French, UVa, 1993-94 [Image File: ca. 50k]
- Semi-Finalist, Seven
Society Graduate
Fellowship for Superb Teaching, UVa, 1998 [Image File: ca.
- Teaching in
Tongues Certificate, UVa,
1996 [Image File: ca. 60k]
- Letters about Teaching Workshops
- Letter from the
Center for the
Liberal Arts, April 1999 [Image File: ca. 70k]
- Letter from the
Center for the
Liberal Arts, April 1997 [Image File: ca. 40k]
- Letter from Cheryl
Krueger, ACTFL
conference presentation, December 1996 [Image File: ca. 40k]
- Workshop Materials
- Handout "French
Speaking Cultures
Today -- in Multimedia." Center for the Liberal Arts, April 1997
- Handout,
"Using the World Wide
Web in the Foreign Language Classroom." Teaching Resource Center, UVa,
January 1997
- Sample Web
Activity, "Using the World
Wide Web in the Foreign Language Classroom." Teaching Resource Center,
UVa, January 1997
- Handout &
Outline, "What to Do
When They Don't Understand: Teaching Reading Skills." ACTFL, November
- Workshop Summary, "Discussing Readings at the 200
Teaching Resource Center, UVa, March 1995
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File: ca. 120k]
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File: ca. 140k]