Carolyn M. Fay: Teaching Portfolio: Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D., French, University of Virginia, 2002
Major field: Nineteenth century literature
Adjunct field: Twentieth century literature
M.A., French, University of Virginia, 1994
B.A.,  with High Honors, Swarthmore College, 1992
Major: French, minor: English
Phi Beta Kappa


"He Said, She Said": Ourika in a Gender Studies Course." Approaches to Teaching Claire de Duras's Ourika.  Ed. Christopher Rivers and Mary Ellen Birkett, MLA, forthcoming in 2009. 

"Sleeping Beauty Must Die: The Plots of Perrault's 'La Belle au bois dormant.'" Marvels & Tales: Journal of Fairy Tale Studies.  October 2008. 

"Qui était Jeanne Flore?  Subversion et silence dans les Contes amoureux par madame Jeanne Flore." Actualité de Jeanne Flore: dix-sept études.  Ed.  Diane Desrosiers-Bonin & Eliane Viennot.  Trans. Sophie Coupal. Paris: Editions Honoré Champion, 2004. 

"'Quelle sorte de lien pouvons-nous donc établir entre nous?' The Epistolary Friendship of Claire de Duras and Rosalie de Constant." Women in French Studies. Vol. 7, 1999.

"Who was Jeanne Flore? Subversion and Silence in Les contes amoureux par madame Jeanne Flore." Women in French Studies. Vol. 3, 1995.


Dupont Dissertation Fellowship, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Virginia, 1998-99
Camargo Foundation Fellowship in Cassis, France, Fall 1998
Semi-Finalist, Seven Society Graduate Teaching Award, University of Virginia, 1998
Best Graduate Essay, awarded by Women in French, published in Women in French Studies, 1995
Outstanding Graduate Instructor in French, University of Virginia, 1994
Phi Beta Kappa Scholarship for Graduate Study, Swarthmore Chapter, 1992
Honorable Mention, Dorothy Ditter Gondos Award in Literature, Swarthmore College, 1992
Alliance Française Scholarship, Philadelphia Chapter, 1990


Assistant Professor of French, Penn State Altoona: 2004 to 2006
Representative Courses: • Elementary and Intermediate French Language
• France and the French Speaking World (in English)
• The French Novel on Film (in English)

Visiting Assistant Professor of French, Department of French & Italian, Franklin & Marshall College: 2002-2004

Representative Courses: • Revolution & Reaction: Intro to French Studies 1789-1958
• He Said, She Said: Gender and Writing in Modern French Literature
• French 101-102. Elementary French
• Sleep and Dream (in English)

Faculty Lecturer, Department of French, University of Virginia. 2001-2002
Representative Courses: •19th and 20th Century Literature Survey
• Special Topics in 19th-century literature: "Rêver le monstre"
• Topics in Cultural Studies: "Le Sommeil et les rêves"
• Intermediate French Language

Co-Director, Summer Language Institute in French, University of Virginia: 2002
Administration of nine week intensive immersion program in French; coordinated staff responsibilities and designed course program; taught morning master classes.

Co-Director, Required Course Sequence in French, University of Virginia: Spring 1997
Administration of all elementary and intermediate French language courses; supervised teaching staff of 30; advised students on placement; scheduled and staffed French language courses for Fall 1997 semester

Graduate Instructor and Course Chair in French, University of Virginia: 1992 to 2001
Taught elementary, intermediate and advanced intermediate French language courses; prepared lesson plans, test materials and assignments; designed and taught intermediate and advanced conversation classes geared towards French majors and minors; developed materials for training new instructors

Teaching Assistant, Summer Foreign Language Institute, University of Virginia: 1999, 1995
Taught intermediate French in intensive language immersion program; designed creative conversational, listening, writing and reading activities


"Dream is a Second Life: The Quest for Wholeness in Gérard de Nerval’s Aurélia."  American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting, March 2006.

"The Voice of L'Amante anglaise." 20th and 21st Century French and Francophone Studies International Colloquium, March 2005. 

"What's Eating Sleeping Beauty?  A Reading of the Ogress in Perrault's 'La Belle au bois dormant.'"  Group for Early Modern Cultural Studies, November 2004. 

"'Ceci tuera cela:' Scandals in the Priesthood in Hugo, Gautier and Zola."  Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium, October 2003.   

"Sleep and "Le Vice Solitaire" in Nineteenth-Century Narrative." Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium, October 2002.

"Retrospective Diagnosis: The Case of Louis Lambert." Nineteenth Century French Studies Colloquium, October 2001.

"Colette Unmasked in the Mirror: Persona, Performance and Identity in 'Le miroir.'" Modern Language Association, December 1999.

"From Freud to Nodier: Dreaming Back Through a Century." Nineteenth Century French Studies Colloquium, October 1999.

"Subversion of Authorship and Authority in Marguerite Duras's L'Amante anglaise." Auctoritas: Authorship and Authority, Graduate Research Institute, University of Hull, U.K., March 1999.

"'Quelle sorte de lien pouvons-nous donc établir entre nous?' The Epistolary Friendship of Claire de Duras and Rosalie de Constant." American Association of Teachers of French National Convention, July 1998.

"Writing the Life of the Other: Difference and the Biographer." Group for Early Modern Cultural Studies Conference, December 1997.

"Redrawing the Boundaries of the Text: Vampires and Other Creatures from the Margins in Three Nineteenth-Century French Contes." Nineteenth Century French Studies Colloquium, October 1997.

"The Role of Language in the Epistolary Friendship of Rosalie de Constant and Claire de Duras." Nineteenth Century French Studies Colloquium, October 1996.

"What to Do When They Don't Understand: Teaching Reading Skills." American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, November 1996, co-presented with Candace Cone and Cynthia Filer.

"The Right Not to Choose: Colette's 'avènement à l'écriture' in La cire verte." Graduate Romanic Association Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania, March 1996.


"Cherchez la femme:" an interactive presentation for "On the Move: Women in France, Québec and Sénégal." Center for the Liberal Arts, University of Virginia, April 1999, co-presented with Candace Cone.

"Teaching Portfolios: How Useful Are They? Why Create One?" January Teaching Workshop sponsored by the Teaching Resource Center, University of Virginia, January 1999, co-presented with Jann Lacoss and Toni Wegner.

"French Speaking Cultures Today -- in Multimedia." Center for the Liberal Arts, University of Virginia, April 1997, co-presented with Roland Simon and Janet Horne.

"Using the World Wide Web in the French Classroom." Foreign Language Instructional Technology Forum, University of Virginia, February 1997.

"Using the World Wide Web in the Foreign Language Classroom." Teaching Resource Center, University of Virginia, January 1997, co-presented with Caroline Clifford.

"Fun and Games in the Foreign Language Classroom." Teaching Resource Center, University of Virginia, September, 1995, co-presented with Teaching Resource Center panel.

"Discussing Readings at the 200 Level." Teaching Resource Center, University of Virginia, March, 1995, co-presented with Marva Barnett, Candace Cone, Cynthia Filer and Jann Lacoss.


Academic Advisor, College of Liberal Arts, Penn State Altoona: 2004-2006
Member, International Programs Curricular Subcommittee, Penn State Altoona: 2004-2006
Member, Fulbright Committee,  Franklin & Marshall College, Fall 2003. 
Academic Advisor, College of Arts & Sciences, University of Virginia: 2001-2002
Graduate Representative to the Faculty, Department of French, University of Virginia: 1996-97.
Graduate Representative, Student Mediation Committee, Department of French, University of Virginia: 1995-96; 1994-95.
Member, Foreign Language Instructional Technology Interest Group, University of Virginia: September 1996 to present.
Member, Required Course Sequence Textbook Selection Committee, Department of French, University of Virginia: 1998, 1996, 1993.


Graduate Assistant, Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia: May 1997 to present Prepare humanities texts for on-line electronic library; image scanning and SGML mark-up; transcribe, edit and annotate texts for manuscript projects; train University community in HTML, image and text scanning. Work with faculty on electronic projects for classroom use. Assist in teaching annual course on electronic texts for the UVa Rare Book School


French: fluent
German: reading knowledge
Russian: course work through intermediate level

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